Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Stem Cell Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Stem Cell Research - Essay Example Most criticized is research involving human embryonic stem cells. Most opposition on stem cell research is mainly on moral and religious issues. Most controversies on stem cell research exist, attributed to myths and misconceptions regarding stem cell research. Misconceptions are arising due to the biased nature of reporting from the media as well as error that result especially when reporters are not conversant with facts on stem cell research. This paper is in favor of stem cell research due to the reasons listed below. The important role it will play in cancer treatment, regenerative medicine, repair of destroyed organs, in cure of killer diseases such as leukemia, Alzheimer’s, diabetes treatment, correction of developmental problems in humans even prior to birth, production of clones that could be used for organ harvesting and carrying out drug tests. As opposed to what most critic of stem cell research believes, blastocysts are not human beings thus their destruction does not constitute to killing. Scientifically, an embryo is not human until it is at least two weeks old, at least until the nervous system becomes evident (Mummery and Guido 672-673). In addition, the potential medical benefit from stem cell research is of greater importance compared to moral concerns raised about the embryo. With support and funds from the government, more talented scientist would be willing to get into stem cell research hence accelerate research. This will also enable the government to monitor embryonic research as compared to the privatized research (Mummery and Guido 672-673). In such cases, the government can ensure researchers carry out embryonic stem cell responsibly. Most people opposed to embryonic stem cell research claim that it is without the embryo’s consent. However, the same people are not opposed to organ transplant in children, which only requires parental consent. Embryonic stem cell research should therefore require only the consent of the d onor of the embryo since it is not different from organ donation involving children. In addition, it offers the opportunity to extend life or improve life just like in the case of the less opposed pediatric organ transplant (NIH Stem Cell Information 7; Jones, Byrne 75). Both the researcher and those oppose to stem cell research agree that stem cell research could be a possible solution to many diseases. The conflict is on the source and means of obtaining the stem cells. The argument that humans not be subjects for experimentation does not add up. Humans as well as human tissue act as specimens for experiments since time immemorial in both education and carrying out trial tests (Mummery and Guido 672). For example, all doctors have to dissect human cadaver as part of their medical training. In addition, the success in human organ transplant was only possible after several tests and experiments involving human subjects. Drug trials carried out all the time involve using human subjec ts. The issues discussed above have received little or no objection, yet they involve experimentation with human body just like in case of stem cell research (Mummery and Guido 672-678). From this, it is obvious that success in human medicine is not possible without taking the risk of involving human subject to carry out research. Considering abortion is legal

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Waiting for Macedonia by Ilka Thiessen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Waiting for Macedonia by Ilka Thiessen - Essay Example The author largely presents a positive side of women in Mercedonia, as compared to the view of women in Bosnia, who are presented as peasantry and solely being in the context of marriage (Thiessen, 16). Thiessen tries to challenge the scholars and academicians who have carried out substantial research, yet have ignored the role of women as leaders in bringing about the required change in Macedonia. On the other hand, the film â€Å"Bosnia: we are all neighbors† is the manifestation of the breakdown of the neighborly relationships that existed in Bosnia between the Muslim majority and the Catholics, mostly the Croats. The film, therefore, addresses the mistrust and betrayal developing on religious grounds during the war in Bosnia, leading neighbors to rise against each other with the minority Bosnian Muslims being evicted by the Christians in this specific village. ( Bringa, 1995). The ethnically mixed village in central Bosnia was torn away by war in 1993, and the Muslims’ houses are portrayed to be desolate as a handful of the Muslims return after the effects of the war have subsided. Eventually, the film emerged from a critical research, where Bringa conducted 15 months of field research in the region in 1980s (Bringa, 1995). One aspect evident after the war period is the complete change of lives of the entire Bosnian population. A previously coexisting community of mixed cultures was torn in the middle by the war, where friends became enemies; the war divided even families (Bringa, 1995). It was difficult to go to work, and schools remained closed with children being sent away from homes to areas where parents felt they could be much safer than at home. The film presents total family breakups, as the reality of the war dawns on Bosnian people; the quiet village now has occasional bursts of bombs and gunshots. Men spend most of their time chopping wood, while many women are scared and just wait helplessly to the unfolding dramas. Surprisingly, the people in this region are eager and uncertain of the peace plans; they watch news eagerly and earnestly with growing hope of peace plans (Bringa, 1995). This means people are yearning for their once quiet life. Men cannot gather more than three at any public pl ace; the former members of the Yugoslavian reserves have guns. The previously united and integrated Bosnia is now torn apart, and life is uncertain for as the reality of the war sinks deep. One aspect that contributes to formation of a unified Bosnian state made of different religious practices is the ideology of ‘brotherhood and unity’ and the ‘economic democracy myth’ (Admason and Jovic, 298). The intervention of the United Nations in managing the translation period in the Yugoslav states ensured majority inhabitants and authorities did not victimize the minorities, with all displaced persons being encouraged to return to their previous homes. Bringa (1995) illustrates the returning of the displaced people to be amidst heavy tensions where people were desperately trying to hold on the possibility of coexisting together despite the disturbing tensions and hatred that brewed during the war (Bringa, 1995).